Employee Record Specification

Australia Variant (Working Draft)


A CSV file where the first row of the file is a header row containing the column names and each subsequent row contains data for a person. The file is encoded in UTF-8 and uses a comma (,) as the delimiter.


The columns are organised into the sections below. All sections are optional and can be excluded by settings all values to null or omitting the columns. If one or more columns are included, all columns in the section must be included.


Column Type Notes
id string | null

A unique identifier for the employee in a given system. Typically, this identifier will be specific to the system generating or consuming this file. If will not be a shared identifier across systems.

employee_code string | null A unique identifier for the employee within an organisation. This is a human-readable identifier that can be used to identify the employee within the organisation across multiple systems.

Full Name

Column Type Notes
given_name name

First given name of the employee's legal name.

other_given_names name | null Other given names of the employee's legal name. Only required if the employee has other given names.
family_name name family name or surname of the employee's legal name.


Column Type Notes
gender gender

Date of Birth

Column Type Notes
date_of_birth plain_date

Personal Email

Column Type Notes
personal_email string An email address at which the employee can be contacted. This should be an email address that is not managed by the employer which can be used to contact the employee even after they have ceased working for the employer.

Personal Phone

Column Type Notes
personal_phone string A phone number at which the employee can be contacted. This should be a phone number that is not managed by the employer which can be used to contact the employee even after they have ceased working for the employer.

Residential Address

Column Type Notes
residential_address_line_1 string
residential_address_line_2 string | null Optional.
residential_address_city string
residential_address_state state | string Must be a value of state if residential_address_country is "Australia".
residential_address_postcode string
residential_address_country country_name

Postal Address

Column Type Notes
postal_address_line_1 string
postal_address_line_2 string | null Optional.
postal_address_city string
postal_address_state state | string Must be a value of state if postal_address_country is "Australia".
postal_address_postcode string
postal_address_country country_name

Emergency Contacts

Column Type Notes
emergency_contact_1_name string
emergency_contact_1_relationship string
emergency_contact_1_phone string
emergency_contact_2_name string | null
emergency_contact_2_relationship string | null Must be null if emergency_contact_2_name is null. Cannot be null if emergency_contact_2_name is not null.
emergency_contact_2_phone string | null Must be null if emergency_contact_2_name is null. Cannot be null if emergency_contact_2_name is not null.

Tax Details

Column Type Notes
tax_file_number_exemption tax_file_number_exemption
tax_file_number tax_file_number | null Can only be null if tax_file_number_exemption is not "none".
residency_status residency_status
has_loan_or_student_debt boolean
tax_free_threshold_claimed boolean

Super Funds

Column Type Notes
super_fund_1_nomination super_nomination
super_fund_1_usi string
super_fund_1_member_name string
super_fund_1_member_number string

Bank Accounts

Column Type Notes
bank_account_1_allocation_method allocation_method
bank_account_1_allocation decimal
bank_account_1_bsb bsb
bank_account_1_name string
bank_account_1_number string
bank_account_2_allocation_method allocation_method
bank_account_2_allocation decimal
bank_account_2_bsb bsb
bank_account_2_name string
bank_account_2_number string
bank_account_3_allocation_method allocation_method
bank_account_3_allocation decimal
bank_account_3_bsb bsb
bank_account_3_name string
bank_account_3_number string
bank_account_4_allocation_method allocation_method
bank_account_4_allocation decimal
bank_account_4_bsb bsb
bank_account_4_name string
bank_account_4_number string
bank_account_5_allocation_method allocation_method
bank_account_5_allocation decimal
bank_account_5_bsb bsb
bank_account_5_name string
bank_account_5_number string


Type Definition
allocation_method "fixed_amount" | "per_long_hundred" | "remainder"
boolean "true" | "false"
bsb A 6-digit BSB code without spaces or extra characters.
country_name English version of a country's ISO 3166-1:2020 short name in title case (e.g. "Australia").
decimal decimal number with a precision of 15 and a scale of 6 (e.g. 999999999.999999)
gender "female" | "male" | "non_binary" | "not_stated"
integer 4 byte integer -2147483648 to +2147483647
  • Must not contain only numbers.
  • Must not contain two or more hyphens (-), apostrophes ('), spaces or punctuation marks in a row.
null An empty string.
plain_date ISO 8601 Date Format, no time or time zone.
residency_status "australian_resident" | "foreign_resident" | "working_holiday_maker"
state "ACT" | "NSW" | "NT" | "QLD" | "SA" | "TAS" | "VIC" | "WA"
super_nomination "not_entitled" | "employer_nominated" | "regulated" | "self_managed"
tax_file_number_exemption "none" | "pending" | "pensioner" | "under_18"
tax_file_number A checksum validated 9-digit TFN without spaces or extraneous characters.